November news

Leon - December 2, 2012 - 0 comments

The last two month were so full with news and even fuller with work, that we had no time to publish october news, so november news have to tell all the stories.


First and surely most important was the publishing of most anotheria opensource software to maven central instead of our own repository: This was really hard work, because some modules in multi module projects depends on other projects, which in return depend on the same multi module projects and so on. Also some third party dependencies were not available in public repositories, for example blowfish.

However, this is over now, and we are happily publishing our projects to central for public availability and easier integration. To make things clear, which version is where to find, we upgraded all versions to 2.x, meaning that 1.x is still in our nexus (we didn’t want to republish already existing versions). The 2.x versions are all exclusively published to central, except for ano-site, which already was in 2.x versions, and which will be published  as 3.x somewhere in the near future.


We also started a new github project for moskito examples as well as moskito integration and moskito configuration guides. The old moskitodemo project has become a bit messy over time, we removed it from the main trunk of moskito project and to github too:, where it will be reworked as time allows.


ConfigureMe has got some yummy new features. It includes variables, links and includes of other configs.


Besides the version upgrade and complete repackaging (net.anotheria.moskito instead of MoSKito got:

  • Configureable notification providers for thresholds including mail, log file sys out or your own.
  • Configurable thresholds
  • Counters as well as their CDI and AOP annotations.
  • Refactoring of AOP @Monitor annotation – it can now handle both methods and classes.
  • Some improvements in code style (generics, removed some synchronization and replaced it with concurrent classes) and footprint (reuse of factories etc).
  • and preparations for some cool stuff to come in 2.2.0
Well last, but not least, a quick peak on the new design of the MoSKito iOS App:

Hack on!


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